时间:2016.3.29,14:00, 周二
主讲人简介:黄福敏博士,英国贝尔法斯特女王大学数学物理学院,1994年和1997年分别在北京大学获得学士学位和硕士学位,1998年9月至2002年2月担任9999js金沙老品牌物理系讲师,2005年在英国国王大学学院获得博士学位,2005年11月至2009年2月在南安普顿大学光电研究中心Nikolay Zheludev教授课题组从事科研工作,2009年3月至2013年3月在剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室从事博士后工作,2013年1月至今在英国贝尔法斯特女王大学数学物理学院任教。黄福敏博士的主要研究方向Plasmonics, nanophotonics, superresolution optical microscopy (near field microscopy, superoscillations), surface enhanced Raman scattering 以及 fluorescence, plasmonic sensing, alternative plasmonic materials等,近十年在Nano Lett, Nature子刊等国际著名期刊发表多篇论文。
Optics is hugely important in modern society. However, due to the diffraction effect, conventional optics (such as microscope) can only confine light into scales about the wavelength of light. Nano-engineered metal structures (so-called plasmonic materials) can concentrate light at the deep- subwavelength scale, which has found applications in many areas, such as sensing, imaging and data storage. In this talk, I will give an introduction of recent development in light coupling and concentration in plasmonic nanostructures and their applications. Further I will introduce a peculiar optical phenomenon called superoscillation, which in principle can generate arbitrarily small optical spots in the far field without evanescent fields, therefore could lead to the development of far-field superresolution optical microscopy.